the feelosophy

Take a breath, now feel

Support and tools to help you feel the most like you. Through mindfulness, movement, breath, touch and talk therapy, The Feelosophy is here to help you reconnect your mind and body.

We’re your mind and body’s support system.

 Support for whatever you’re feeling

Whether it’s talking it out, getting out of your head (or even the country), we have tools to help you: 



Step into your own self with in-person or virtual therapy that blends mindfulness, acceptance and compassion


Integrate the wisdom of your body into psychotherapy using supportive touch to address your nervous system and rework trauma-based unconscious behaviour


Support your nervous system, thought patterns and life through movement and breathwork.


Take support on the go – get self-guided tools through the Feel Kit or find new learnings at a retreat or training!

Feel Supported

Here’s a taste of how we can help you!


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